
YourLife @ ÁOK is the health program of the University of Pécs Medical School. Our goal is to help our students and staff feel even better - not just at the Medical School, but during their everyday life in general.

Those interested can participate on individual consultations, workshops and programs free of charge.

YourLife staff members are constantly working to ensure that conditions for work and study at the School support the healthy lifestyle, balance, physical and mental health of our colleagues and students.

Staff members

Prof. Kiss István

Prof. István Kiss

Leader of the Program

Personal page
Dr. Horváth-Sarródi Andrea

Dr. Andrea Horváth-Sarródi

Medical Doctor, Life coach

Personal page
Kálóczi-Wolher Veronika

Veronika Kálóczi-Wolher

Dietitian, Nutritionist, Health Promoter, Sportdietitian, Health Promotion Quality Assurance Auditor

Personal page
Dr. Balogh Erika

Dr. Erika Balogh

Preventive Public Health Specialist

Personal page
Dr. Keresnyei Krisztina

Dr. Krisztina Keresnyei

Business and Team Coach Degree, Workplace Mental Health Expert

Personal page
Boldizsár Katalin

Katalin Boldizsár

Personal page
Dózsa-Juhász Olívia

Olívia Dózsa-Juhász

Personal page
Nemeth Laura Gabriella

Laura Gabriella Nemeth

Dietitian and food science specialist

Personal page
Dr. Hanzel Adrienn

Dr. Adrienn Hanzel

Physiotherapist, Public Health Expert

Personal page
Tardi-Nemes Fanni

Fanni Tardi-Nemes

Personal page

More About Us

Find Your Life @Medical School – Implementation of the Health Plan at the Faculty

Find Your Life @Medical School – Implementation of the Health Plan at the Faculty

The newly launched health initiative at the faculty pledges diversified support extending to the students enrolled and staff employed in the Medical School and is a resplendently expresses the human-centered philosophy regarding the dean’s new management.

Dean's recommendation

Dean's recommendation

A modernized, contemporary institute, in which health and well-being is the primary focus, cannot exist without a program encouraging a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Tips to Feeling Better

Healthy Tips to Feeling Better

The management aligned to the Life Programme of the Medical School, expressively welcomes your attention and genuinely encourages your participation to a host of various programmes meant to enhance your well-being and offer you distinct strategies in maintaining a healthy lifestyle!