The directorates aligned to the Medical School, the various organisational units and the departments have consistently supported the programmes and initiatives serving and improving the health and well-being of its employees and students.

Within the framework of the current health plan of the faculty, various echelons of support are witnessing vast improvement in its development, inevitably resulting in improved strategies regarding the health and the quality of life among those employed and who are enrolled as students within the Medical School. Today, the microcosm of the Medical School is undergoing a positive transition regarding the priority in a coherent framework conducive to a healthy lifestyle.

Several aspects affect our health. Typically, the importance of proper nutrition and physical activity is emphasized in collective education, however, there are additional aspects worth considering in regards to the workplace environment and or an educational institution. For example, the length and quality of our daily sitting habits, overhead lighting, the possibility to enjoy a balanced, nutritional meal, and professional relationships among colleagues, teachers, and fellow students are all factors currently undergoing review.

During the process of improving the faculty health plan, these aspects attracted attention, among other aspects, and are now prioritised towards improving the well-being of staff and students.

The Health Plan Methodology 

Identifying the criteria and effectively establishing a health plan has proven to be a complex procedure.

First, our staff aptly reviewed the current policy regarding operational healthy lifestyle options. Our team will seek out a random sampling of staff and students employed and enrolled at the Medical School, in reference to replying to questions regarding their health, their social networks and the relationship between the two.

The questions drafted by our team also include how employees and students feel regarding the balance between health and their commitment to the medical school, their daily routines and their social interaction among various communities within the environment of the medical school. Notably, our team will seek out Senior Leadership regarding the vision of the medical school, specifically, how health and well-being are intertwined to the campus community, and the potential impact of a healthy lifestyle.

Additionally, our team intends to review legislation, which describes and authorise measures affecting various functions and processes aligned to the medical school faculty. The awareness begins at this level, and our goal is to search and nurture the development of a healthy lifestyle within the academic environment, and enable the sprouting of worthy intentions inclined to inspire one another. At the conclusion of the first stage, our assigned team will reflect on the growth, review its strategies and publish its progress report.

At the second stage, our team plans to identify the key elements collated from the mass of data and information gathered. Tactfully, our team will search for coherence among key issues and strengthen programmes aligned with emerging demands deemed beneficial to ensuring a healthy academic atmosphere.

Upon the arrival of the third stage, our team will seek to establish means to track progress in the subsequent following phases. As projected, an increased awareness in staff and students will ideally prove influential in daily protocols, regimens and routines, and the benefits of acquiring healthy choices and physically improving their well-being.

Another objective of our team is to effectively define realistic objectives including stretch goals in support of the future. Our team will develop a vision regarding beneficial changes to the community, environment and the academic atmosphere in consideration of the immediate future.

At the fourth stage, our team plans to establish stations on the imagined tracks, including effective dates of implementation regarding programmes, various checks and balances, priority lists, health sponsored community events all influence on the requests and recommendations gathered. Everyone is deemed worthy.

The fifth stage’s goal is to monitor progress, revise strategies while demonstrating flexibility, reflect on the value and benefit of former programmes and keep the mission on track.

The sixth stage is our team’s final destination regarding the development and implementation of a health and well-being programme to the faculty, staff and the students aligned to the medical school.

Final destination: Did our team achieve a level of success? Has the quality of life in consideration of the employees and students increased and change for the better? Were sources effectively utilised and programmes, events and festivals deemed beneficial? Was growth and development suitably charted?

Inevitably, the cycle starts from the beginning.

Naturally, the stages may not distinctly separate one from the other. In consideration of the various events scheduled for the near future, and aligned to the specified goals, ideally, our team will visualise aspects worthy of consideration and application to the subsequent future foundation in support of the next action plan. Admittedly, the point is to be attentive, aware, and systematic. The guiding principle consistently focuses on the health and well-being of the staff employed and the students enrolled at the medical school.

Stages in the development of a health plan

  1. Description of the situation
  2. Analysis of the situation
  3. Strategic planning and setting the goals
  4. Action plan
  5. Accomplishment of actions
  6. Feedback and monitoring

Strategic Calendar

June 2017: The idea of implementing a health plan is expressed in association with the Health Promoting University programme, first addressed at the faculty level

December 2017: Submission of the health promotion concept to the dean’s office (concept is uploaded)

January 2018: The Dean’s Council unanimously approves and supports the implementation of the Health Plan of the Faculty

April 2018: The first conciliatory forum including the leaders of different organisational units, and the establishment of the employee questionnaire.

June 2018: Completion of the employee questionnaire regarding the health behaviour and perspective necessities

November 2018: Completion of the student questionnaire regarding the health behaviour and perspective necessities

December 2018: The dean’s office – Comprehension of the conclusions regarding the data collated from the questionnaires, the approval of the 2019 calendar of events and the proposal of a new initiative to improve the health and well-being of the citizens aligned to the university

January through February 2019: Preparation of the website including a marketing strategy in the form of an approved campaign plan to support the well-being of the staff employed, the faculty and the students enrolled at the medical school