If you feel you could be more balanced or efficient in your work or private life, or if you would like to develop in a special field, feel free to contact our colleagues!
Is coaching for you?
What we are offering is free consultation for all students and staff of the University of Pécs.
Coaching is right for you…
What does a coaching session look like?
Where do coaching sessions take place?
How can you ask for an appointment for an online ’LoveYourLife’ consultation?
Contact us at: yourlife@aok.pte.hu.
Our Coaches:
Dr. Andrea Horváth-Sarródi (see: link)
Dr. Krisztina Keresnyei (see: link bemutatkozó oldalra)
Coaching is NOT THERAPY!!! If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms or conditions described below you may need to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist!
Coaching is NOT RIGHT FOR YOU…
Email us if you feel uncertain and need help at: yourlife@aok.pte.hu and we will arrange a consultation for you to find the best solution. You can also contact all the services listed below that are AVAILABLE FOR STAFF AND STUDENTS FOR FREE:
(it is available in German language as well)
PSZIKON is the psychology counselling service of the ÁOK. Getting an appointment is only through email. The leader of the service will forward the application to a colleague who answers the applicant and discusses a date for the appointment. Giving a short description of the problem can speed up the process. The student can remain anonymous until the first meeting.
Consultation takes place in the Department of Behavioural Sciences.
Application for consultation: pszikon@aok.pte.hu. They try to answer each inquiry as soon as they can, but it might take up to a week. They do not deal with emergency cases, those are handled by the emergency care clinic of the university:
https://partfogo.aok.pte.hu/de... of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
7623 Pécs, Rét u. 2.
Address: 7623 Pécs, Rét u. 2.
Phone: 72/535-900
Phone: 72/514-051
Életút Psychotherapy (private service)
Getting and Appointment:
Email: info@eletutpszichoterapia.hu
Phone: 30/3574701 (weekday mornings 9-12 am)
Address: 7623 Pécs, Madách Imre u. 10. Fszt. (Doorbell: 21)
Business and Team Coach Degree, Workplace Mental Health Expert
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