Today in Hungary, tobacco use is not ideally handled effectively and it is typically an underestimated phenomenon. Regarding most individuals, it is usually not overly obvious why it is important to step up against the use of tobacco products. The following facts demonstrate the often times murky, indistinct risks associated with tobacco use:

  • Nicotine consumed by tobacco use can quickly establish a very strong addiction, which is why it is so hard to quit. It is a much stronger addiction than when compared with alcohol, cocaine, heroin or caffeine.
  • One third of the adult population of the world uses some form of tobacco.
  • In Hungary, every fifth death is directly the result of tobacco use. In generaly, the individuals lived 21 years less than when compared with those individuals who do not use any form of tobacco.
  • In Hungary, 36% of the total population reportedly uses some form of tobacco, of which, the most common form is smoking. This represents 150% of the EU average.
  • 75% of today’s smokers began smoking at the age of 18 or younger.
  • There are 4000 chemicals in cigarette smoke, out of which, 43 was proven to be carcinogenic.
  • Smokers are far more susceptible to other forms of illness and disease (various types of cancer, vascular diseases and oral diseases)
  • With supporting smoking cessation, smokers get a real chance to get rid of their addiction.

Why is it important to ask for help?

Many individuals reportedly experience trying a plethora of methods to quit smoking, but only very few of those are genuinely effective. Only 2-4 % among those individuals who stop smoking without support can actually quit smoking after one year.

Can you tell me about the counseling supporting smoking cessation?

The goal regarding this aspect of counseling is not to make individuals quit smkoing, but to offer support in the process.