The exam period is definitely on the corner. We want to give you the possibility to come and connect with fellow students, meet new people and ask each other (and our consultant as well) about possible strategies for the exam period, learning methods and stress management techniques. We also would like you to be able to look at the strengths you have, focus on your goal, set up a plan and get some tips how to stick to it during exam period.

When? 7th December 2021, Tuesday at 5 pm

Where? UPMS New Buildig, ground floor, green wing, seminar room 40.

Workshop is led by: Krisztina Keresnyei PhD, business and team coach

Maximum number of participants in the workshop is 12.*

Participation in the program is free but registration is required.


Deadline for registration: 5th December, 2021 8pm.

*Unfortunately, it often happens that registered participants do not show up at the workshops. This is inconvenient because in this way we cannot offer the vacated space to those for whom it would be important to attend. Therefore, please note that if you do not notify us that you are unable to attend - at least 24 hours before the workshop date -, you will not be able to use the services of YourLife @ ÁOK this semester. Thank you for your understanding.