How should you start eating healthy?

How can you make smart choices at the grocery store? We’ll provide you with useful tips and all the practical information you need at our round table event where you can also ask questions from our experts.

Date and time: 6th October (Wednesday), 6 PM

Location: Szigeti Street 12. (We will inform you of the exact location soon!)

Invited speakers:

Zsófia Gyócsiné Varga- dietitian, nutrition science expert, health promoter

Zsolt Radnóti – head of the Pécsi Kosár Közösség (Pécs Basket Community)

Anna Padisák - 4th year medical student

Reyhan Dehdari- 4th year medical student

Participation at the event is free of charge but registration is required. Deadline of registration: 5th October 8 PM


We look forward to having you join us!