The strategy transcends beyond your daily routine here within the cosmos of the Medical School. Stress is punctuated throughout our waking hours and manifests itself in varying degrees from individual to individual. The Life Programme’s mission is to offer its patrons strategies towards improving today’s standard of health and aim to offer measures meant to strengthen your self-esteem, in particular, when combating stress and considering a healthy lifestyle.

Obviously, your presence here characteristically reveals health and well-being are priorities for you and the Life Programme values the time you invest in pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Admittedly, the management of the Life Programme is not entirely devoid of selflessness, as it is a common belief individuals who demonstrate a healthy outlook and have a reasonably stable self-esteem generally smile more often, more adept at committing themselves to studying and often are more effective and productive in the work place, which ultimately ensures the Medical School indeed is a healthy environment and its cosmos ideal in a higher quality of life.

You may inquire, “Whom is this program ideally suited for?” The answer is far more simple than one might rationalise. To all whom genuinely believe health and well-being are keys to longevity, and it is paramount to emphasise, an increase in the quality of life. In essence, the programmes are immediately available to the entirety of the Medical School community, including students, teachers, employees, and the Senior Leadership.

It is of considerable insight in the form of a revelation to realise a need to improve one’s life style, to actively pursue healthy lifestyle changes, and advantageous in the event you have long since committed to some of these aspects, such as eating healthy foods, smoking cessation, and the implementation of a daily exercise regimen.

If you have yet to confront the topic of adopting a healthier lifestyle, this is your chance. Momentarily stepping off life’s treadmill to reconsider the various options in making and committing a heathier lifestyle is the first ascent of your journey. Along for the ride are athletic coaches, trainers and sports medicine coaches who are poised to keep you committed to the ride, secured and helping you chart your destiny. Ultimately, the choice is yours, you have to make the first step. The dividend is immense, you will undoubtedly be rewarded with a long, healthy and fulfilling life.

The management of the Life Programme pledges you our sincere, genuine support, in the way of disseminating beneficial information, hosting various programmes, events and festivals, and even more, in the form of professional, personalised guidance from well qualified experts in the fields of nutrition, healthy life styles and athletics.

If you already know the value of maintaining a balanced diet, an active life and a healthy lifestyle, but you are interested in diversifying and improving your well-being, maybe including a change in your surroundings, you are more than welcome to visit the Life Programme’s website.

  • Sign up for our newsletter
  • Test your physical levels of endurance and performance
  • Enroll in our healthy lifestyle challenges
  • Consult among our panel of professional advisors including taking part in a personalised form of consultation
  • Attend our regularly scheduled events, programmes and festivals
  • Share the wealth and volunteer!

If you are not tired of reading yet, please continue to scroll down!

“In general, nine-tenths of our happiness depends upon health alone. With health, everything is a source of pleasure; without it, nothing else, whatever it may be, is enjoyable; even the other personal blessings, - a great mind, a happy temperament – are degraded and dwarfed for want of it.” Arthur Schopenhauer

What is that we, as individuals, are doing? Simply stated, the answer is all of which is directly related to forming a healthy life and well-being – at least here, at the Medical School. Naturally, this does not stop at the gates of the faculty, since the feeling of harmony and balance contrasted by depression and a low self-esteem starts from somewhere within us and the Life Programme is committed to strengthening the positive aspects and we need your willingness in conquering the fear of change and your genuine support to do so!

The Life Programme intends to absorb, support and effectively coordinate suitable programmes already proven successful and likely occurred in the recent past, whether it is an individual initiative, or an implemented strategic measure originating from the Senior Leadership of the Medical School.

Additionally, the Life Programme seeks to create and initiate new programmes ideally in harmony with everyone’s needs, attentive to individual specific areas potentially benefiting a larger audience.

We are all affected by health issues and urge the sharing of your experiences, opinions and ideas!

Physical activity, nutrition, smoking cessation, processing emotional problems and improving the quality of life at your workplace or during studying are all key elements of a bigger scenario – and a host of issues are worthy of future exploration and consideration in the developmental strategies of our programme and we welcome your participation!